Woolly Mammoth Tooth Collection 4″ Damascus Linerlock Knife with pocket clip
 Woolly Mammoth Tooth
Of all the animals that lived during the last Ice Age, the Woolly Mammoth is one of the best known. The material in our knife handle is actually a section of a tooth from a Woolly Mammoth – one that lived around 15,000 years ago.
There is a limited supply of the tooth which comes from Siberia.
Mammoth fossils are 150,000+ year old natural material so patterns and colors vary on each knife, No two are the same! These Photos are representations of the Material, actual products will vary in color and patterns.
Damascus Steel
Damascus Steel is characterized by it’s strength, edge holding ability, and it’s dramatic appearance. The Damascus Steel used in our knives comes from Japan and is called “Sanmai Damascus” or Sandwich Damascus. There is a core of vg-10 steel with 16 layers of stainless steel on each side to produce a rust free Damascus look blade.